Gloria Benedikt
The Rhythmic Roots of Cooperation
Artistic Presentation
Basic science and creative art remain two of the most creative, untapped wells of knowledge and solutions for mitigating and adapting to climate change. For instance, scientists in neuroscience and cognitive sciences may be able to provide vital expertise in understanding human and societal behavior in the transition to a low-carbon society and economy. Furthermore, collaborating with performing artists, especially musicians and dancers, may yield new insights into the evolutionary function of collective rhythmic movement. In 2023, Benedikt worked with two behavioral scientists, Dr. Stephanie King, Associate Professor in Animal Behaviour at the University of Bristol, and Dr. Andrea Ravignani, Professor at the Department of Human Neurosciences at the Sapienza University of Rome, and three dancers, Robert Weithas, Marietta Kro, and Nandita Shankardass, to explore the phenomenon of collective, rhythmic movement in a pilot project initiated by the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP). The result of this collaboration was presented at the International Scientific Symposium in Paris on June 28, 2023. A recording is available below. The presentation provides insight into how a holistic, integrative approach could meaningfully connect insights generated from behavioral science and art to accelerate sustainable development transitions.